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Famous Flora
8 Celebrities and Their Favorite Flowers

" Stars: they're just like us!" Well, when we see their glam lifestyles, this might not strike so true. Parties, deluxe jewelry, designer clothes, private planes and yachts. These are what we associate with the rich and famous! But despite being in the public eye 24/7, stars also indulge in their share of life's simple pleasures. These include picking their favorite blooms for a charming bouquet.

For a more in-depth manual on the use of color and design in floristry, contact us for the Best Florist in Mansfield TX.

You 'd be shocked to know how many superstars love flowers as much as we do!

Check out this lineup of celebrities and their favorite flowers! You can find out if you share the same favorites as famous superstars. Better yet, you can find inspiration to get a few of these for your next bouquet!

Interested in a formal course? Want to get certified as an expert on everything related to flowers? We recommend checking into establishments that offer programs in floristry, such as:

American Institute of Floral Designers
Society of American Florists
American Floral Endowment

Katy Perry

Favorite Flower: Hydrangeas

Colors: White, purple, pink, blue
Native to: Asia and America
Type: Shrub
Meanings: Grace, honest sentiments, deep desire for understanding

This music diva rose to fame with fun, snappy pop hits. And she's actually a huge fan of fresh flowers!

As a matter of fact, her dressing rooms on tours and concerts are often adorned with flowers. Among her favorites are the showstopping white and purple hydrangeas.

Known for their lavish, dense look, these blooms inspire beauty and imagination. Just like this pop singer's original musical and fashionable styles!

Audrey Hepburn

Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley

Colors: White, whitish pink
Type: Woodland Plant
Native to: Eurasia and Eastern North America
Meanings: Renewal, good luck, prosperity

Classic, delicate beauty with strength of character. This represents both the ageless actress Audrey Hepburn and her most cherished flower, the Lily of the valley.

Hepburn loved these tiny white blooms. She even carried a bouquet of them at her wedding to Mel Ferrer. The arrangement was also used in one of her most famous films, Funny Face (1957 ).

The lily of the valley blooms in spring season with a subtle perfumed scent. It is also known for its distinctive bell shape, which is thought to bring comfort and good spirits.

With its soft yet striking elegance, it's easy to understand why Hepburn loved this flower. It reflects her own refined persona.

Scarlett Johanssen

Favorite Flower: Lily

Colors: White, yellow, pink, orange
Type: Bulbous Perennial
Native to: Europe, North America and Asia
Meanings: Purity, femininity, good luck

Favorite Flower: Rose

Colors: Red, white, pink, yellow
Type: Woody Perennial
Native to: North America and Asia
Meanings: Love, romance, passion

Being in the public eye while taking on taxing roles is a challenge for most stars.

This may be why leading lady Scarlett Johnasson loves setting flowers all over her home. She says that they make her feel calm and relaxed. In the hustle and bustle of show biz, having this is sure to be a treasure.

Lilies and roses are among her favorites. While they differ greatly in look and meaning, they do have one good thing in common.

They both have a delightful fragrant aroma which always engages the senses. Their scents also soothe the soul, which explains the actress's fondness for them.

Princess Diana

Favorite Flower: Forget-Me-Not

Preferred Color: Blue, pink
Type: Biennial
Native to: Eurasia and North America
Meanings: Faithful love, remembrance

Passionate and strong-minded, Princess Diana is honored all around the world. Her philanthropy work and human rights causes made her an icon beyond her royalty standing.

To celebrate her memory, Kensington Palace keeps a garden brimming with flowers in her name. This lovely garden spotlights her favorites: forget-me-nots.

Its name holds a notably poignant sentiment after her untimely demise. While small and discreet, these blooms remind us that love that prevails even after parting ways or passing away.

They remind us that it's important to cherish the time and memories spent with loved ones, so their legacy lives on. Likewise, Princess Diana's life has continued to influence her children, her family, and so many people across the world.

Angelina Jolie

Favorite Flower: Orchid

Colors: White, purple
Type: Nonwoody Perennial
Native to: U.S.A., Asia, Australia
Meanings: Luxury, strength, love

This award-winning actress apparently goes with orchids as her blooms of choice.

Orchids are known for being tricky to grow. But when they do, they blossom into wondrous beauty!

Like these blooms, Jolie has had her share of life's troubles. Behind her tough and mysterious front, she has experienced illness, pain, and loss in her personal life. But she has gotten out of it with more strength and savvy!

Orchids are also a well-loved gift for mothers on special events. It seems fitting that Jolie adores them, since she takes pride and joy in her six beautiful children.

Of all her achievements, she considers being a mom the most priceless to her heart.

Kim Kardashian

Favorite Flower: Jasmine

Colors: White, pale yellow
Type: Evergreen Climbers
Native to: Tropical regions of Eurasia, Australia, and Oceania
Meaning: Love, sensuality

Favorite Flower: Gardenia

Color: White
Type: Evergreen
Native to: Africa, Asia, and Pacific Islands
Meanings: Trust, peace, protection

It's not always splashed across headlines, but Kim Kardashian has a liking for flowers! The mega-popular reality star enjoys floral fragrances, particularly those of jasmines and gardenias.

In fact, she's launched her own line of perfumes which feature their aromas. In interviews, she says it's because she links them with love and joy.

Both jasmines and gardenias have a loud presence with their flouncy petals and potent essences. Like the celebrated star, these flowers have a way of turning heads and fixing the limelight on them.

Marilyn Monroe

Favorite Flower: Delphinium

Colors: Blue, lavender, pink, scarlet
Type: Perennial
Native to: Central and Eastern America
Meanings: Hard work towards dreams, indulging in life, celebrating the positive

" Diamonds are a girl's best friend", sings Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 smasher film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

But in her private life, the blonde bombshell enjoyed down to earth thrills. This involves tending to plants and flowers! She cherished delphiniums in particular.

Delphiniums take people's breath away with their dense blooms and rich colors. But they also signify deep thoughts and feelings.

This can also be said of Monroe, a fascinating stunner with unseen depths. Through her movie roles and her sadly short life, she endeavored to become a success and enjoy the finer things in life.

Michael Jackson

Favorite Flower: Sunflowers

Colors: Yellow, orange, red
Type: Annual
Native to: North America
Meanings: Positivity, bliss, warmth

In 2008, Lisa Marie Presley, Michael Jackson's ex-wife, asked fans to bring a "sun shower" to the King of Pop's burial ground. She had paid him a visit and saw that there weren't enough bouquets and presents for the late singer.

So she asked fans to bring him the flowers that never failed to make him happy: sunflowers! In fact, Presley said he labelled them "happy flowers", because they always looked so jovial to him.

Devoted fans quickly responded. In a short time, his resting place was filled with countless flowers!

Like the King of Pop and his wholehearted songs, sunflowers carry a lovely reminder. Even when we face grim days, the sun will shine again tomorrow.

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